Khachapuri Recipe

Khachapuri Recipe


Clementi Company

Since 1975

Today we present the recipe for Khachapuri, the typical Georgian cheese pizza baked in the Clementine oven. Watch the video to discover the exceptional Chef!

Khachapuri Recipe

Difficulty: Low Preparation: 2 hours and 30 minutes Cooking: 2 to 3 minutes Portions:3 to 4 people Cost: Inexpensive


  • 7 g of yeast
  • 200 ml lukewarm water
  • Oil q.b.
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • Mozzarella cheese to taste.
  • Flakes of milk q.b
  • Fontina cheese to taste.
  • Butter q.b


1) In a bowl, insert some warm water and start mixing in the yeast. When it has dissolved go in with the flour until the dough starts to thicken. Once this stage is reached you can pour in the salt and then the sugar. 2) Knead well and in the final stage add the oil. 3) Let rise for 2 hours. 4) After 1 hour and 30 that the dough is rising, turn on the oven. For it to reach temperature (300/350 degrees) it will take 20/25 minutes. In our case we use the Clementine gas oven. 5) After the 2 hours have passed, roll out the risen dough with your hands. Spread it out as desired and start filling it with the mozzarella cheese, milk flakes and fontina cheese. C 6) Close it as if it were a large ravioli and flatten it with your hands. If you prefer you can use a rolling pin on both sides. 7) Garnish the top with more mozzarella cheese, place your khachapuri on the shovel and bake at about 300 degrees. 8) Wait 1/2 minute, turning the khachapuri occasionally. As soon as it is ready and still nice and hot, sprinkle the top with butter. 9) The Georgian pizza is ready to be eaten.

Enjoy your meal!

For baking khachapuri, it is advisable to use a direct fired oven. This way, even more emphasis will be given to the final flavor of the yeast product.

Discover all direct fired ovens!

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