Crescia Marchigiana: th...

Crescia Marchigiana: the recipe for making it at home


Clementi Company

Since 1975

In this article you can find all the preparation for making Crescia Marchigiana. The recipe is simple, requiring only a few minor tricks.

To prepare Crescia Marchigiana let’s first look at the ingredients we need:

Dough ingredients:

– 200 g 0 bread flour
– 50 g water
– 2 g brewer’s yeast
– 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
– 10 g fine salt
– rosemary to taste.

Before proceeding with the dough, it is necessary to prepare the poolish.
The poolish is a very soft dough that will be used as the yeast of the Crescia.

Poolish ingredients:

– 2 g fresh brewer’s yeast
– 200 g flour 0
– 200 g water


We take 200 g flour, 200 g water, 2 g yeast and mix the ingredients together in a bowl. We cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it ferment for an hour and a half.

Fermentation times change depending on the amount of yeast used.
One signal that will allow us to check for maturation lies in observing its surface.
When it begins to collapse we can use it.

Eventually we will get a mixture like this.


We put some water in another bowl, and inside we dissolve the yeast in warm water.
Remember NOT to put salt, otherwise you risk the dough not growing well.

After that we add the polish. Since it is very soft, we can also pour it into the bowl with a spoon.


Mix well and add the flour. The flour should be added little by little so that the dough is elastic, soft and not too firm. Now we can also put salt.

When we begin to feel that the crescia is starting to feel firm, we can stop putting in flour.
We finish the dough by hand.

It is not necessary to make it too smooth, because then leavening will allow for a smooth dough.


Let’s create a loaf and let it rest inside a bowl for 4 hours, covering it with plastic wrap.
After the 4 hours have passed, trying to be as gentle as possible, let’s go lay it out on a baking sheet.

Using a perforated baking pan will give a better result.
In case of using a regular baking pan, we can grease it and then put the Marche crescia inside.

Once the crescia is spread out on the baking sheet we go to season it. A pinch of salt, some rosemary, a drizzle of oil, and let rise again for about 30 minutes.


The secret to having crescia that is crispy but well cooked is due to the baking.

An oven with a refractory top, has characteristics that go well with this recipe.

We use the Clementi Pulcinella wood-fired oven.
We are going to bake the crescia at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes.
There should be no active flame in the oven, only embers that will keep the heat in the cooking chamber constant.

If, on the other hand, we wish to bake in the electric oven at home, we need to preheat the static oven for 10 minutes at 180°C.
We bake for about 40 minutes.

Our Marche crescia is ready to be eaten.
We recommend stuffing with salumi, soppressato, fresh pecorino or strascinate herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

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